Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is This Really Where We Are (in politics)?

One of the interesting, weird, and just plain peculiar things about social media these days is the vast volume of content that both gives people restored hope in humanity as well as creating an impression that we're doomed to destroy ourselves. My exposure to both has been roughly even through my... we'll won't tell you how old I actually am. I'll just say I'm approaching 40. Today (July 25) I saw a post that did the latter, and I'm sure something that swings the pendulum back in the positive direction will come to my attention soon.

As you can imagine with the next U.S. election looming and Biden's stepping down, the internet has become a firestorm of attention on Trump and Harris competing for the minds and hearts of America. In this post I'm not going to talk about which candidate I am more likely to vote for, but rather to address and problem that is wrong with US as Americans. *GASP* Imagine that! The idea of actually thinking that the government isn't the whole problem with this country! I imagine several dozen people reading this who make a living criticizing the government just had a mild aneurism, or maybe not. Hopefully they, and everyone else will keep on reading to find out where I'm going with this.

The problem I'm addressing is America's childish, immature, riveted and damnably shallow focus on sex.

Yup, that's what this post is about, sex.

How does this relate to us being the problem?

In the social media post I mentioned above, I didn't dare comment. If I ever do comment on political stuff in the last several years it has been sparingly and trying to be a peacemaker instead of defending any of the politicians in question. But what I noticed about the post was the 90% or more of the comments all had to do with comparing the sexual proclivities of both Trump and Harris. Very little commentary about their policies were present. I didn't see a single thing about their background with professional and personal experience in policy-making unless it was directly tied to their sexual escapades and other alleged criminal activity. Everyone on that thread made it seem like the moment the Presidential Democratic Candidate switched from Biden to Harris, someone opened the flood gates and all the sheeple in America mindlessly flocked to the circus of conversation surrounding sex, which candidate had it with whom, how many times, when, where, why, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

This isn't a call out to politicians, this is a call out to YOU, the AMERICAN PUBLIC! I don't like using language like this, but WHAT THE HELL AMERICA?! Are you really so mindless as to reduce your methods of choosing your leaders based on sexual intercourse? You know what that post made you look like? Lemmings, or worse, the swine that Jesus commanded the legion of devils to go onto when they ran off the cliff and died. This is pathetic. I can prove to anyone reading this from the mountains upon mountains of world class research I have personally read and studied that the whole world at large has a massive, parasitic, utterly careless elephant-in-the-room problem with an obsession for everything sex related, especially with pornography addiction. I would know, having recovered from 20+ years of porn addiction. Also, the sheer amount of what has become "make your own porn AI girlfriend" apps are also evidence of this. But really? Are so many of you struggling so much with not being able think of another human being in a non-sexual way that you turn to such a drunkenly blind, knee-jerk reaction of making civil political discourse about nothing but sex? Is that what we've come to as a nation, making the most important matter of who should be at the head of our government based on their sex life?

This all reminds me of a talk by Mark E. Petersen, which I'll quote a few short excerpts from here:

"Sex is so sacred, sex is so divine, sex is so holy that when it is used in its proper way, those who participate in it become joint creators with God! They become partners with the Almighty in the great undertaking and enterprise of bringing forth life! It is so sacred, it is so holy, God places it way up on a high plane, so high that all right thinking people will regard it as being sacred, a spark of the deity in everyone of us. It is holy. It is part of the function of Almighty God. Sex is so sacred, so holy, that God placed about it some of the greatest safeguards He has ever made for any of His creations, and He has surrounded it with laws which provide those safeguards, and He has made it clear to us that if we violate those laws, if we break down those safeguards, we commit one of the three greatest crimes in all the category of crime... 

[Satan] sought to destroy not only life, but the fountain of life, and he set about to prostitute this most sacred of the creations of God; and he's still at it today; and today he is inspiring a world which he has in his hands, to place the emphasis - a demoralizing emphasis - but an emphasis that glitters as if it were gold, nevertheless, upon sex. Wherever we turn these days, the emphasis seems to be on sex. It's in the movies, it's in the magazines, it's in the styles by which we cloth ourselves, it's on the radio programs, it's in the conversations. The emphasis is on sex. And what is the emphasis? The emphasis is not to enthrone sex as the sacred thing it is, but it is to drag it down into the mire and make it common. Sometimes make it glitter like gold, and make it so very desirable in the eyes of people that they will do most anything to participate in it, all through the sales talk of this arch demon..."

For those of you who are making your political jokes, memes and snippy commentary about politics a matter of sex offenses, those who make some kind of childish stupid pleasure in making that the measuring stick by which you evaluate political candidates, you are making yourself look just like them!

When I came back into the States after my late wife Lorraine passed away in 2019, something that kind of rocked me (spiritually) happened when I crossed the border on the bridge between Sarnia, Ontario and Port Huron, Michigan. It completely took me by surprise and I wasn't sure exactly what it was at first, but this story warrants being retold here. As I crossed the bridge, I felt something different in the air. It wasn't like anything I had felt before. You have to understand, I've seen way more of the beauties and horrors of life than most people see in 10 lifetimes. My time in Canada with Lorraine exposed me to some of the most unimaginable, joyful spiritual experiences of my life as well as some of the darkest, deepest pits of hell any human can imagine. Still, none of it prepared me for what I found out later was happening. I'm telling you I could feel it physically in my skin, a completely different spiritual sensation than I'd ever felt before. I knew something was changing as I crossed that bridge and I knew God was trying to tell me something, so I prayed and asked what it was. As I tried to still my soul and be receptive in my heart to anything He would tell me, the answer became very suddenly crystal clear.

That change in the air I felt was the enormously more intense fixation and focus from God on the political, moral and social climate of the United States over every other country on planet earth. Yes, I know God is "no respecter of persons." I believe that scripture. I know full well that God does not love any of His children less than another, but this wasn't about how much He loved or didn't love anyone in specific or how much He was favoring one nation over another. It was purely about how much effort and attention He was putting on the overall political, moral and social well being of America as a nation more so than on any other nation.

When I recall that, I can only think of how grossly disappointed and devastated He is to see so many people basing that demoralizing emphasis in political discourse on dragging one of the most sacred of His creations into the mud!

So, American public, hear me now! Stop this insane running around in circles. Stop this brainless, foolish, weak-minded, brutish obsession with sex! If you've seen the movie Soul, you'll know what I mean when I say you look like this!

I'm not exaggerating folks! This includes all types of sexual humor, insults, sexism, name-calling and all other types of unkind and unnecessary expressions for the sake of selfish gratification. PLEASE do not be so mindless and inhuman that you are that desperate to focus on sex, especially with something that is important as an election.

If I really wanted to I could make another 3 or 4 articles on this blog just about how pornography and sex addiction turns the brain into something like that Lost Soul above. Because that's exactly what Satan and all other evil forces of this world want to turn you into, and with many of you, he is succeeding! STOP LETTING HIM! Be the better person! Make sex about what God intended it to be about, the creation, love and nurture of human life and strengthening bonds between a married man and woman, husband and wife. 

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